Hello everyone, as an experienced tile sourcing agent in Foshan, China. From my point of view, tile is one of the most important elements to determine the tone and style of the whole house. So after, you have the style you like in mind for the house, it’s better to decide which tile to match your idea at the very beginning. Therefore, having knowledge of tiles would be necessary for homework. I am now going to guide you on how to source tile from China, how to choose the tile? How to buy the right tile?
There are many kinds of tiles based on different techniques of production. Polished tiles, glazed tile, full body tiles, rustic tiles are popular in the market. These different tiles can meet different people’s requirements. Some are glossy while some are matted. Some are plain and flat, while some are with texture and pattern. People normally choose tiles because they like the appearance. However, it is far from enough. We had better consider the function as well. We not only need their beauty but also their durability.
When it comes to durability, how to tell which one is more durable and of better quality?
- The place of producing tile is a very important factor in China. Guangdong tile is of better quality than other places. and Foshan is the best place for tile in Guangdong province, also Foshan is the best city for all kinds of building material, that’s why we also as Foshan sourcing agents. Choosing a place that is professional in producing tiles is the first step. Foshan city is well known for tiles due to its large scale of production, high level of mature technology, convenient logistic,s and its tiles good quality. So buying tiles from Foshan is a wise decision. You can see the tile-packing box there will show where it is produced.
- Premium-grade tiles are of the best quality. This should be our basic requirement. They have fewer defects on the surface than qualified tiles. If the tiles are for our own house, we must select premium grade one. You can check it in the packing as well, once shows (优等)means premium grade. And also a 3C mark on the box: